What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Uses , Advantages and Disadvantages With Examples

What is Artificial Intelligence :

What is Artificial Intelligence ( AI )

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer or robot operated by a computer to carry out actions frequently performed by human beings. The term is widely used in reference to the effort to create artificial intelligence (AI) systems that possess human-like cognitive abilities like the capacity for reasoning, meaning-finding, generalization, and experience-based learning. Building intelligent robots that can carry out tasks that usually require human intelligence is the goal of artificial intelligence (AI), a broad field of computer science. While there are many different approaches to artificial intelligence, it is an interdisciplinary discipline, and recent developments in machine learning and deep learning in particular are causing a paradigm change in almost every area of the tech industry. The powers of the human mind can be mimicked or even improved  by machines thanks to artificial intelligence and as generative AI tools like Chat GPT and Google's Bard spread and self-driving car technology advances, AI is quickly becoming a part of daily life and a field that businesses in every sector are investing in.

8 Applications of AI Capabilities in Everyday Life :

Applications Of AI

Software and hardware that use AI and ML to simulate human brain functions are helping to change society into a digital one. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can observe their environment, respond to what they see, solve issues, and assist with tasks to improve daily living.

Here are 8 ways where artificial intelligence can significantly assist people in meeting their daily needs:

1)Voice Assistants

Voice User Interfaces (VUI) powered by AI are used by digital assistants like Siri, Google Home, and Alexa to process and understand voice requests. These applications can now use enormous databases on cloud storage platforms in addition to voice commands thanks to AI. Then, in order to accomplish jobs and deliver specialized search engine results, these programs may process hundreds of lines of data each second. the public's knowledge has drastically changed, and comfort levels with this technology have increased. Voice assistant interfaces are developing quickly, notably in the healthcare industry where they are being used to identify specific diseases via vocal biomarkers. For triage and screening, voice-based chatbots are also being incorporated into healthcare apps.

2)Entertainment Streaming Apps

Machine learning algorithms are constantly being given data by streaming massive companies like Netflix, Spotify, and Hulu to improve the user experience.

These streaming apps make personalized content recommendations after carefully examining the user's interactions with various media. These apps produce catalogs of music, movies, and TV shows tailored to each user's preferences by using AI to sort through the ever-growing user data. By automatically allocating the closest servers to the user, AI also contributes significantly to the provision of uninterrupted streaming. Additionally, dependent on how well-liked a given piece of media is, bandwidth allocation alters automatically.

3)Navigation and Travel

The AI programmers that created both waze and Google Maps are constantly working. Only ML algorithms unleashed on satellite photos are capable of properly cross-checking the yottabytes of geographic data that are updated every second. A recent navigation model created by MIT researchers tags road characteristics on digital maps in real time , These digital maps are also produced concurrently using satellite imagery that includes data on parking spaces and bike lanes. routine updates in routes have been made simpler by imaging methods based on Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and convolution Neural Networks (CNN). With the use of prediction models, AI also assists in locating roads on satellite photos that are obscured by organic growth.

4)Personalized Marketing

To increase engagement, brands implement AI-driven personalisation tools based on customer information. According to a report created by one spot Research, 88% of the customers polled said that more tailored information improves their perception of a business. when consumers are directed to products through targeted marketing via automated emails and feedback forms, they are more likely to make a buy. Recent developments in AI claim to use computer vision to forecast the effectiveness of an advertisement, assisting firms in reaching the proper consumers and providing for those who require such things. AI marketing tools benefit both prospects and retargeted customers depending on the marketing stage. Additionally, AI aids firms in developing a logo utilizing an online logo creation tool that appeals to the target market. They gain knowledge about the components that best suit their specialized market or accurately represent their goods or services.

 5)Smart Input Keyboards

Artificial intelligence Examples

The most recent versions of mobile keyboard apps combine language identification and autocorrection features to offer a user-friendly experience. these apps use artificial intelligence (AI) to effectively correct errors, assist with language switching, and forecast the next word in a non-intrusive manner. These apps are being taught by AI programmers to comprehend the context of the message being entered and generate precise predictions using the "random forest" machine learning method. over 300 languages and dialects are now supported by apps like Typewise. recently, additional features like integrated search engines and real-time translation have also been provided.

  6)Self-driving Vehicles

The autonomous vehicle technology Large-scale innovation in AI is being driven by worldwide business interest. Beyond cruise control and blind spot detection, AI is advancing technology to enable completely driverless vehicles. various predictive AI models are enabling path planning in the presence of static and moving barriers. accurately predicting when nearby vehicles would swerve and other such unforeseen situations are taken into consideration. This is made feasible by the technology known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), which uses sensors to provide real-time orientation to the environment.

7)Facial Recognition Technologies

The Face ID unlock feature found on the majority of today's premium smartphone models is the most widely used implementation of this technology. The major problem this technology faces is the widespread worry that its application in forensics would be biased against people of certain races and genders. the margin of error in facial recognition software is being reduced through the use of Generative Adversarial Neural Networks. additionally, these neural networks are being taught to recognize the unethical application of deep fake technology.

Additionally, a number of sectors are creating AI software that reads face expressions to determine mood and purpose.  effective computing, often known as emotion AI, is a growing field of study for measuring consumer experience.

8)Security and Surveillance

For a human to continuously monitor too many CCTV network monitors at once would be practically impossible. Therefore, it only seems sense that we would feel the need to automate these surveillance operations and improve them even more by utilizing machine learning approaches. artificial intelligence (AI) allows the human monitoring staff to focus on verifying crucial circumstances and responding to them. The monitoring and detecting tasks of the ongoing surveillance are handled by AI video monitoring software. Human eyes may occasionally miss abnormal behavior, but AI is able to identify it. in addition, surveillance systems in high-risk public venues, like government buildings, use AI-based facial recognition technologies. Liberal governments are currently looking for measures to lower the risk of privacy violations from AI surveillance.

What are the advantages & disadvantages of AI ?

Advantages And Disadvantages of AI

There are always Advantages and Disadvantages of any technological advancement. There is a ton of debate about the benefits and risks of AI at every level. But beyond the headlines that either peddle hype or fear, what does AI do?

The advantages range from streamlining, saving time, eliminating biases, and automating repetitive tasks, just to name a few. The disadvantages are things like costly implementation, potential human job loss, and lack of emotion and creativity.

4 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of AI are given below ;

Advantages of AI :

Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence

Everyone is aware that AI gives companies an advantage. According to the Appen State of AI Report for 2021, all firms must immediately include AI and ML into their models in order to avoid falling behind. AI is being used by businesses more and more to automate internal procedures (as well as some applications and processes that interact with customers). Your company can reach its goals faster and with greater precision by implementing AI.

1) AI Eliminates human error and risk :

The first main advantage of using AI is that it reduces risk of human error. Everyone occasionally makes mistakes. While it's not necessarily a terrible thing, it can be when trying to produce regular outcomes. Artificial intelligence (AI) can avoid human error tainting an otherwise perfectly usable product or service by performing activities, especially repetitive ones. similar to this, using AI to finish extremely challenging or risky tasks can help lower the risk of harm or injury to people. Robot use in radiation-rich environments is an example of AI assuming risks instead of people. Radiation can cause significant illness or death in humans, yet it has no effect on robots. Additionally, the robot might be rebuilt if a catastrophic error occurred.

2) 24/7 availability  :

AI algorithms are always available, whereas people only work eight hours a day. Machines may work day and night, and chatbots powered by AI can offer customer assistance even after-hours. As a result, businesses may be able to produce more and offer customers a better experience than they otherwise could.

3) Unbiased decision making :

People frequently disagree and let their prejudices influence their decisions. Biases exist in all people, and despite our best efforts to address them, they occasionally manage to slip through the gaps. on the other side, the AI algorithm will be able to make decisions without prejudice if it has been trained with unbiased datasets and tested for programming bias. That could contribute to more equity in decisions regarding hiring, sanctioning loans, and granting credit.

However, if the AI was trained using biased datasets or test data, it may make biased conclusions that go undetected since people tend to believe that they are made impartially. Because of this, quality checks on the training data and the output of a particular AI software are crucial to make sure bias issues aren't missed.

4 ) Cost reduction :

As we mentioned earlier, AI can work continuously, producing more value in a single day than a human worker. Additionally, as AI may assist in replacing manual and tiresome chores, it frees up humans for more skilled jobs. This finally adds value for the consumer or end user.

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence :

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence

With all the advantages mentioned above, implementing AI for your company right away may seem like an obvious decision. But it's also wise to carefully weigh any potential drawbacks of such a radical move. Although there are many advantages to implementing AI, there are also some disadvantages, such as the expense of installation and decline with time.

1)Costly implementation

The largest and most obvious drawback of using AI is how expensive it may be to build. The price varies depending on what precisely you need AI to achieve. According to one estimate, the price for most organizations to completely adopt an AI system ranged from $20,000 to far into the millions of dollars.

Once AI is fully installed and can help to improve the workflow, the cost is eventually offset. However, the initial expense may be frightening, if not outright prohibitive.

2)Lack of emotion and creativity

The lack of ability of AI to make decisions using emotion and creativity is its next drawback. AI cannot invent novel solutions to problems or flourish in any highly artistic profession due to its lack of creativity. According to a scientific research, AI may be programmed to produce "novel" thoughts but not truly original ones at this time in its development. This study makes the claim that until AI can produce novel and unexpected ideas, it won't be as creative as humans, which will limit its ability to make decisions. Humans are more equipped to offer a solution if a business is seeking for a novel or imaginative one to a problem.

3)No improvement with experience

AI cannot naturally learn from its own experience and mistakes, similar to the claim made above. By nature, people attempt to avoid making the same mistakes again and again. However, developing an AI that can learn on its own is both expensive and highly complex. Of course, some AIs have the ability to learn. The Google software AlphaGo, which trained itself to play the board game of Go and began devising novel strategies within three days, is perhaps the most known example of this.

 4)Reduced jobs for human

Due to several headlines throughout the years, this is yet another drawback that many people are immediately aware of. Since AI can readily do monotonous tasks that were previously performed by employees, if AI grows more prevalent in businesses, it may result in fewer open positions.

Currently, a number of reports indicate that AI will probably create as many new employment as it eliminates, if not more. However, you then get the issue of needing to train people for these new roles or risk losing behind with the rapid growth of technology.

 What Is ChatGPT ?

A platform that allows users to provide prompts to receive artificial intelligence-generated human-like graphics, text, or videos is known as ChatGPT.

People can ask ChatGPT questions or seek explanation on its responses, similar to automated chat services seen on customer support websites. The term Generative pre trained Transformer, which refers to how ChatGPT processes requests and creates responses, stands for "Generative pre trained Transformer. By using reward models that rate the best responses and human feedback, ChatGPT is trained via reinforcement learning. This input aids ChatGPT's machine learning enhancements, which enhance upcoming responses.

Advantages of ChatGPT

 ChatGPT is a fantastic option for a variety of activities because it is a tool with virtually endless potential. ChatGPT can be useful for a variety of tasks, including topic research, information extraction and paraphrasing, text translation, test grading, and conversational tasks. Since AI is still a young technology, there is still plenty to learn and potential problems. Some claim that because technology is developing too quickly, jobs may become obsolete. AI is unquestionably here to stay, though. If you embrace it and understand how to utilize it morally, you can accomplish more in less time.

Difference between ChatGPT and Google Bard AI

ChatGPT and Google Bard AI

ChatGPT sometimes enhances stories and makes factual errors, Google's Bard AI is expected to deliver more accurate information to users. Bard AI has an advantage over other AI platforms like ChatGPT in terms of the depth and scope of information it can access because of Google's enormous data collection.



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